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The planning for creating a new society goes hand in hand with the process of reforming the existing one, which is seen as the most significant duty throughout the socialist transition. The book “The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government” was written by V.I. Lenin to help the Party and all the people understand the primary tasks of the revolution set forth in the upcoming period, which need to be carried out immediately. The work was created at a crucial juncture, immediately following the Soviet government's victory and accession to power. The situation at that time was extremely difficult because the country had been wrecked, the economy had collapsed, and the capitalism was besieged and marginalised. Therefore, it is crucial to stabilise politics, revive and develop the economy, and raise people's living conditions. The issues and policies that V.I.Lenin set out in his work still have great meaning and value for our country to research and apply, especially in the current context that the Party and State of Vietnam advocate economic development associated with the political system reform in order to build our Vietnam with "prosperous people, strong country, democracy, fair equality, and civility". In this article, the author only focuses on clarifying the circumstances of its birth, some of the main and urgent tasks in the economic and political fields that V.I.Lenin set out at that time, and their significance for the current economic development and political system reform in Vietnam today.

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Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Doan, R. (2023). The work “Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government” by V.I.Lenin and its significance for the economic development and political system reform in Vietnam today. VNUHCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7(S1), S52-S60.

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