VNUHCM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2025-02-02T19:20:31+07:00 Hoang Ngoc Minh Chau Open Journal Systems Reforming science, technology and innovation: International experiences and proposed models at University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City 2025-02-02T19:05:10+07:00 Ngọc Huy Châu <p>Developing science, technology and innovation is a top national policy, playing a strategic breakthrough role in national development. For the field of social sciences and humanities, the Strategy for developing science, technology and innovation until 2030 promulgated together with Decision 569/QD-TTg dated May 11, 2022 of the Government of Vietnam has pointed out important directions showing that the role of social sciences and humanities in the current context of science, technology and innovation development is becoming increasingly important with heavy responsibilities not only directly serving the creation of scientific knowledge but also contributing to social orientation, building Vietnamese culture and people, finding solutions that ensure economic development while still ensuring harmony with the environment among others. As the leading training and research facility in the Southern region in the field of social sciences and humanities, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City has made efforts to innovate research work, training and serving the community. Based on reference to science, technology, and innovation models in countries/territories in North America, Europe and Asia, the article emphasizes the rapid changes of science, technology and innovation and social sciences and humanities should not excluded. Out of such consideration, the article presents and discusses the “3-i initiative” as a proposed model with potential to to innovate science, technology and innovation activities at University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City in particular and social sciences and humanities training and research in Vietnam in general.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## “Spirit closes and opens its eyes” - an experimental reading of Hegel’s Concept of Spirit in The phenomenology of Spirit 2025-02-02T18:48:55+07:00 Uyên Nho Minh Nguyễn <p>Hegel’s philosophy is well-known for its lengthy, abstract, and complex intertwined expressions. This paper proposes an experimental reading of Hegel’s concept of Spirit through imagination to identify Spirit as a character in a “literary” work named The Phenomenology of Spirit. In this work, the images of Spirit lying in the darkness of night and Spirit stepping into the full-of-daylight reality are described many times by Hegel. This article borrows the symbolic sculpture of a closing-eyes Gautama Buddha in peaceful contemplation and an opening-eyes Jesus Christ in willful determination, which iconically represent the two distinguished religious teachings: the teaching of contentment and liberation from suffering in Buddhism and the teaching of sacrifice and endurance of suffering in Christianity, based on their influences on Hegel’s philosophy. The use of those symbolic images is to, and at the same time of the awareness of Hegel’s imaginative and expressive style, call out the symmetrical phases of Spirit closing and opening its eyes. In the continuous realm of eyes opening and closing, Spirit gains several understandings about the deep night and the daylight - or in Hegel’s words, about in-itself unity and for-itself opposites, respectively in part (A) “Consciousness” and part (B) “Self-Consciousness” of The Phenomenology of Spirit.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Post traumatic growths and resilience indicators during the COVID-19 pandemic 2025-02-02T19:20:31+07:00 Vi Thanh Trinh Tu Thi Thanh Nguyen Lien Thi Mai Le <p>This qualitative research used the phenomenology approach to explore the indicators of resilience and psychological growths in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The data was collected from interviews with a focus group of 30 participants about their personal psychological experiences when facing difficulties during the peak of the pandemic. The qualitative data analysis results showed that the participants exhibited several indicators of resilience in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, including: 1) A strong spirit in the face of adversity, 2) Optimism and adaptability in coping with challenges, and 3) A belief in life's resources and meaning. In addition, each individual’s development of psychological transformations is explained according to the theoretical model of post-traumatic psychological growth. Moreover, the study identified the five dimensions of post-traumatic psychological growth experienced by the participants: 1) a newfound appreciation for life after overcoming fear and anxiety, 2) strengthened relationships despite stress and pressure, 3) the discovery of inner strength drawn from traumatic experiences, 4) the development of new potential stemming from a sense of community, and 5) the spiritual growth that transcended sorrow and loss. The results of this study provide additional knowledge about psychological transformation in humans when facing a major global pandemic, helping mental health practitioners support people in coping with adverse events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and other adverse contexts in the future.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The trans-characters method in the novel Kim Ji Young, born in 1982 by Cho Nam Joo 2025-02-02T18:53:06+07:00 Thông Lê Minh Đinh <p>“Trans-characters” is associated with the traditional technique of disguise, where a person changes their appearance to avoid being recognized by others. This is a familiar activity in various forms of folk performances, gradually adopted in literature as an artistic method to describe characters, allowing them to remain anonymous to adapt to unusual situations in their lives. In the novel Kim Ji Young, born 1982, Cho Nam Joo adapted traditional disguise techniques by using the female protagonist's pathological condition to perform “trans-characters” through voice changes. This article draws on the principles and meanings of disguise techniques in literature and gender studies to analyze two surprising “trans-characters” versions of Kim Ji Young. By removing the protagonist's personal voice, the author reveals the serious reality of women's health issues in motherhood, and more broadly, reflects the “cultural syndrome” of Hwabyung [the depression caused by Han] linked to femininity in Korean culture. Additionally, through the voice borrowing, author Cho aims to grant dialogical authority, emphasizing the weaker social status of women in modern society, particularly the internal conflicts within the female community in South Korea.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Cao Hai De's "Common Sense Philosophy" and the development of philosophical terminology in the early 20th century (1900-1920) 2025-02-02T18:58:21+07:00 Phúc Vĩnh Huỳnh Phượng Thị Kim Nguyễn <p>The development of new fields of knowledge imported from the West to Vietnam began in the early twentieth century. To accept and acquire this new body of knowledge, both local intellectuals and foreigners fluent in various languages, including Vietnamese, have attempted to apply and produce Vietnamese in the best possible way, particularly regarding some modern scientific notions. Most of this lexicon acted as a term. The field of philosophy was also born in this context. The terminological system communicating philosophical notions, as one of the primary criteria for constructing a discipline, made a significant contribution to the establishment and evolution of the discipline during and beyond this period. From a textual perspective, using a linguistic history approach paired with the methods: statistics, analysis, and comparison, we conducted the study on the philosophical terminology in Cao Hai De's work “Common Sen Philosophy”, published in 1917, and compared to Co Chinh Linh's Philosophy of Magic and Wisdom (Albertus Schlicklin) - a French priest - to uncover similarities and differences in scientific thinking and subject-object language. The survey results of these two publications reveal that in addition to contributing to creating the milestone of the birth of philosophy, the documents show the way of philosophical terminology system building and developing and also demonstrate the acumen, extreme integration, and efforts to promote societal advancement of Vietnamese intellectuals at that time, among whom Cao Hai De was a phenomenon.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Australia’s maritime security policy (2017-2023) and its implications for Vietnam 2025-02-02T19:11:52+07:00 Long Thành Nguyễn Nhật Thị Tiểu Tạ Ngọc Cao Bảo Nguyễn <p>As a middle power with its national interests deeply intertwined with the maritime domain, Australia has been demonstrating a more proactive role in safeguarding maritime security. The objective of this article is to analyze Australia’s maritime security policy and offer implications for Vietnam in the context of maritime security in the Indo-Pacific region that is witnessing many fluctuations. From 2017 to 2023, Australia has shown a significant update to its maritime security policy, centered on three main pillars: (1) enhancing the naval capabilities; (2) strengthening the maritime cooperation with allies and partners; and (3) actively promoting a rules-based maritime order. The article further delves into the practical implementation of Australia’s maritime security policies, encompassing the increased defense spending, the acquisition of warships and submarines, the participation in joint exercises and enhanced cooperation with the United States, Japan, and India, and the promotion of a rules-based maritime order, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Based on this analysis, the article argues that to protect national interests and contribute to a stable and rules-based maritime region, Vietnam needs to strengthen its maritime security capacity, including continuing to develop the defense power at sea, investing in the maritime domain awareness (MDA), and promoting the maritime cooperation with countries in the region.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The interreligious dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity: Aloysius Pieris's perspective and the application in modern social context 2025-02-02T19:16:18+07:00 Đức Hoàng Minh Phạm Hoa Thị Kim Huỳnh Việt Thanh Hồ Đồng Kỳ Trần <p>Asia is the place where the most persistent and dramatic religious conflicts take place because of the complex interweaving of religious beliefs under the cover of a multi-identity network of ethnic-religious discrimination. At the heart of interreligious dialogue in this context is the challenge of mutual recognition - the ability to see and honor the intrinsic value of different religions. Catholic theologian A.Pieris has contributed to resolving this challenge with his own unique and creative perspectives. The journey to explore the essential perspectives that shape the dialogue between Catholicism and Buddhism from the main works of A. Pieris: Love Meets Wisdom: The Buddhist Experience of Christians (1988), Asian Liberation Theology (1988), Fire and Water: Fundamental Issues in Asian Buddhism and Christianity (1996), Prophetic Humor in Buddhism and Christianity: Conducting Interreligious Studies in the Mode of Reverence (2005). The scope of the research is expanded from the content of the works compared with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, Christian anthropology and Discourse Ethics using intertextual, phenomenological and hermeneutic methods. The research results have established Pieris's viewpoint on several dimensions: the path of liberation in Buddhism; on an absolute future in Buddhism and Catholicism; on reincarnation in Buddhism and resurrection in Christianity and the dialogue between Catholic and Buddhist traditions in social reality. The focus of A. Pieris's approach to interreligious dialogue is to overcome language barriers, self-esteem and social configurations, respect differences while seeking common ground, and know how to stop before issues of the doctrinal foundation of the Sacred of each religion. In A. Pieris's vision, the path of salvation in Christianity and the liberation in Buddhism are not opposites but are a beautiful intersection of wisdom and love for humanity. A. Pieris's spirit of respect and tolerance in dialogue with the principles of Discourse Ethics has laid the foundation for the Code of Conduct in interreligious dialogue in contemporary society.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##