The "rise'' of China is the most mentioned phrase in nearly the first two decades of the 21st century. The emergence of China in many fields (politics - diplomacy, economy, military security, etc.) is considered a prominent phenomenon which attracts the attention of Asian countries and of the whole world. In addition, this "rise'' has a strong influence on the development of the world, changing the distribution of global power. As a close neighbor and having many similarities with China, Vietnam bears significant impacts caused by the "rise'' of this Asian power. In the process of developing the country, Vietnam has favorable conditions to receive favorable factors and inevitably faces the challenges from China's "rise'' in many aspects. It can be affirmed that, from the strong development of China today, the relationship between China and Vietnam is an "asymmetric relationship''. The asymmetry in China - Vietnam relationship takes place in almost all major areas of cooperation, including politics, economy and military security. Within the scope of this article, the author mainly focuses on analyzing the basic issues surrounding China's "rise''; some of the major impacts of this issue are on security and development of Vietnam in recent years.
Issue: Vol 4 No 4 (2020)
Page No.: 630-637
Published: Dec 15, 2020
Section: Reviews - Science Sciences
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