Asia is the place where the most persistent and dramatic religious conflicts take place because of the complex interweaving of religious beliefs under the cover of a multi-identity network of ethnic-religious discrimination. At the heart of interreligious dialogue in this context is the challenge of mutual recognition - the ability to see and honor the intrinsic value of different religions. Catholic theologian A.Pieris has contributed to resolving this challenge with his own unique and creative perspectives. The journey to explore the essential perspectives that shape the dialogue between Catholicism and Buddhism from the main works of A. Pieris: Love Meets Wisdom: The Buddhist Experience of Christians (1988), Asian Liberation Theology (1988), Fire and Water: Fundamental Issues in Asian Buddhism and Christianity (1996), Prophetic Humor in Buddhism and Christianity: Conducting Interreligious Studies in the Mode of Reverence (2005). The scope of the research is expanded from the content of the works compared with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, Christian anthropology and Discourse Ethics using intertextual, phenomenological and hermeneutic methods. The research results have established Pieris's viewpoint on several dimensions: the path of liberation in Buddhism; on an absolute future in Buddhism and Catholicism; on reincarnation in Buddhism and resurrection in Christianity and the dialogue between Catholic and Buddhist traditions in social reality. The focus of A. Pieris's approach to interreligious dialogue is to overcome language barriers, self-esteem and social configurations, respect differences while seeking common ground, and know how to stop before issues of the doctrinal foundation of the Sacred of each religion. In A. Pieris's vision, the path of salvation in Christianity and the liberation in Buddhism are not opposites but are a beautiful intersection of wisdom and love for humanity. A. Pieris's spirit of respect and tolerance in dialogue with the principles of Discourse Ethics has laid the foundation for the Code of Conduct in interreligious dialogue in contemporary society.
Issue: Vol 8 No 4 (2024)
Page No.: In press
Published: Dec 31, 2024
Section: Reviews - Arts & Humanities
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