Developing science, technology and innovation is a top national policy, playing a strategic breakthrough role in national development. For the field of social sciences and humanities, the Strategy for developing science, technology and innovation until 2030 promulgated together with Decision 569/QD-TTg dated May 11, 2022 of the Government of Vietnam has pointed out important directions showing that the role of social sciences and humanities in the current context of science, technology and innovation development is becoming increasingly important with heavy responsibilities not only directly serving the creation of scientific knowledge but also contributing to social orientation, building Vietnamese culture and people, finding solutions that ensure economic development while still ensuring harmony with the environment among others. As the leading training and research facility in the Southern region in the field of social sciences and humanities, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City has made efforts to innovate research work, training and serving the community. Based on reference to science, technology, and innovation models in countries/territories in North America, Europe and Asia, the article emphasizes the rapid changes of science, technology and innovation and social sciences and humanities should not excluded. Out of such consideration, the article presents and discusses the “3-i initiative” as a proposed model with potential to to innovate science, technology and innovation activities at University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City in particular and social sciences and humanities training and research in Vietnam in general.
Issue: Vol 8 No 4 (2024)
Page No.: In press
Published: Dec 31, 2024
Section: Commentaries
Online First = 48 times
Total = 48 times